Monday 9 January 2017

Orion through the clouds

Having broken my HEQ5 mount by connecting it to the wrong side of the 12v supply and frying the mother board I have had to resort to using my old home made Barn Door Mount.
The new board costs around £109 so it will be a few months before I can use my Skywatcher ED80.
This image started out as a timelapse but the clouds rolled in and left me with just a few images covered in cloud. So this image is a single shot only 10 seconds duration using my nifty fifty Canon f1.8 prime lens. The camera was my old Canon 40d with an Astronomik light pollution filter inserted. The image has turned out to be quite popular on twitter being seen almost 700 times so far, so I'm quite pleased that what looked like a poor evening for astrophotography produced this image.