Saturday 19 March 2016

Jupiter, Callisto transit

Jupiter is 365 million miles away and is so big that 1300 Earth's could fit inside.
The black dot showing on Jupiters surface is the shadow cast by Callisto just to the right of the shadow,
one of its 62 moons. Callisto has a diameter 1.4 times bigger than our moon.
To the left of Jupiter is the moon Io which is almost the same size as our moon.
Our Moon orbits the Earth every 27 days, however, Io orbits Jupiter in just 1.8 days
so I could see it travel across Jupiter in just 3 hours.

The image was made from 1201 frames taken using my ZWOASI120MC camera
and my Meade Etx 105 Maksutov Cassergrain telescope.
Captured using Sharpcap and stacked with Registax. The mount was a Skywatcher Heq5 pro.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Messier 3 Globular Cluster (NGC 5272)

Messier 3 is a globular Cluster in the constellation of Canes Venatici.
It is not possible to see with the naked eye and appears as a faint smudge in binoculars.
Discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier it contains 500,000 stars like our Sun.
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old but this cluster is much older at 11.4 billion years old.
Its over 200 light years in diameter and 34,000 light years away.
To put this distance into perspective:
Light takes just 4.1 light hours to travel from the Sun to the farthest planet Neptune.
Oh and by the way M3 is hurtling towards us at 331,200 mph.

This image took 2hrs of exposure at ISO1000.