Friday 10 July 2015

Messier 15 (NGC 7078) globular cluster.

Messier 15 is 33,600 light years away in the constellation of Pegasus.
Home to over 100,000 stars M15 is the oldest known cluster at 12 billion years old and has a rare type of black hole at its centre. - (Wikipedia).

This image is made from 12x180 second exposures @ISO 800 plus 10 darks, 10 bias and 10 flat frames. I also used a 42 second exposure to bring out some of the detail in the very dense and bright centre of the cluster.
Phd2 guiding was used to guide my field flattened ED80 using a ZWOASI120MC camera (0.2 second exposures) attached to a SW 80T guide scope.
Capture camera was an unmodified canon EOS40D DSLR controlled by my home made camera trigger allowing mirror flip then Stacked using deepSkyStacker.