I thought I would test this theory and took the three images above.
you can see the image on the left is too dark and the Histogram is to the left. In the centre image I have adjusted the camera by +2 stops of compensation and the graph is just creeping off the right hand side of the Histogram, overexposing some of the sky. Adding 1.5 stops to the centre image would have been about right.
The right hand image shows the correct exposure with the sky, snow and car all correctly exposed. Notice the graph has not reached the right hand side of the Histogram. For this shot I used a handheld ambient light meter to get the exact reading which was +1.5 stops. Oh just one more thing! The blacks are on the left of the graph and whites are on the right.
NOTE! Even if you own a compact point and shoot camera, you can adjust the exposure compensation using the (P) program Mode as shown on the photo of the screen on my Fuji.